Help with Searching
To search the database, complete the fields as follows:

Keywords to Search: enter one or more keywords relevant to your search. This is a delicate balance between being too specific and too general.:

  • Shakespeare
  • Morse
  • Gilbert Sullivan [don't use "and", you'll get everything unless you select "All Keywords"]
  • Coronation Street
    If you leave the Keyword box empty, all crosswords within the selected Date Range will be shown.

Which Words to Search?:

  • "Any keyword" will show records where any one keyword is present
  • "All keywords" will show records where all keywords are present
  • "Whole words" will show records where the full keywords you have entered are present
  • "Part words" will show records where partial matches on keywords are present
    So "Morse Code" with "Any Keyword" will show records where the theme was some sort of code as well as those relating to someone called Morse. By selecting "All Keywords" there is a better chance that you get what you want, presumably crosswords relating to the Morse Code.

Search Where?:

  • Choose Keywords, Preamble, Solution, Title and/or Setter to narrow your search to the fields you are likely to be interested in.

Crossword Series:

  • Only change this if you want to search a specific series.
  • Only change this if you want to search for a specific setter. You can also use the Keywords box.
Set Date Range:
  • Select a predefined date range, or key in any two dates that you want.
  • Dates can be in practically any (UK) format, eg:
    • 12/07/2001
    • 12-07-01
    • 120701